Agritecture's Workshops Empower Others To Develop Urban Farming


Introducing Agritecture’s new workshop offerings 

Managed by Agritecture along every step of the process, Agritecture’s digital workshops are equally suited for both private companies and public entities looking to explore how urban agriculture might fit in with their current projects or long-term goals. Working closely with the host and their unique priorities, Agritecture will plan, organize, and carry out the entire workshop from start to finish. Whether you are an entrepreneur, educator, policymaker, or Agritecture workshops can be designed for your needs. 

Agritecture’s workshops offer a variety of content from an introduction to urban agriculture for those who are just starting out in exploring opportunities for urban agriculture to optimizing your farm where you’ll learn how to improve your business model.



When IKEA was considering how to implement vertical farming across its stores sustainably, they invited Agritecture to accelerate their knowledge through a workshop in Malmö, Sweden. Over 2 days, Agritecture gave the IKEA urban agriculture team a jumpstart on the global best practices for vertical farming, key business models, technologies, and economics.

"With so many different vertical farming approaches around the world, we needed an independent party to accelerate our knowledge as a team with honest and data-based knowledge of yields, energy use, and business models. Agritecture was able to deliver this in a 1-day workshop with our urban farming team. We valued their knowledge and approach enough that we decided to work with them again to refine our long-term strategy." -Catarina Englund Global Sustainability Innovation Manager, IKEA Group

When combined with ongoing virtual support from Agritecture including market research, RFP strategy, and supplemental digital presentations, IKEA was able to create a short-list of vertical farming companies globally to partner with. 


Agritecture conducted a customized workshop with St. Jude hospital with strong participation from architecture, design and construction, and facilities members. Agritecture informed on all the benefits that come with integrating urban agriculture into the design, such as reduced sick-days. 


AGR's expertise helped guide the workshop participants in understanding the potential benefits of incorporating food systems into their Hospital community as a means to improve the physical and mental health of community members and visitors. “If every hospital administrator understood the impact we could have by bringing greenery into our offices, I think everyone would be doing it.” Kevin Krueger - Procurement & Sustainability Manager St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

The workshop participants learned about the available Controlled Environment Agriculture integrations with their campus infrastructure and the positive impacts these inclusions would have on the well-being of their community.



Agritecture led a day-long workshop held at the office of Perkins+Will in downtown Los Angeles, where we discussed how to address food shortage, lack of jobs, and lack of green space in one design solution that is accessible to the community while being profitable in order to sustain itself as a business. Many cities, like Los Angeles, have been experiencing a resurgence of interest in urban agriculture as cities grow denser, taller, and more diverse. Essential to this transformation of building resilient cities is a re-imagination of our food system. 

In this workshop, teams of local architects, engineers, developers, Los Angeles city officials, urban farmers, and others compete to design and devise the best plan for sustainably growing food in urban environments. “Agritecture’s design workshop gave participants the opportunity to produce creative, yet practical, solutions for supporting urban agriculture in the LA metropolitan area.” 

Learn more about Agritecture’s specialized workshops provided digitally or in-person to accelerate your sustainable agriculture goals! Think someone else would be interested in this? Share it with them! 


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